Let’s Get Creative, Wilmot!

On July 25th, I’m hosting a Townhall meeting and you’re invited!

What is important to you in a town? Independent stores and businesses offering local goods and services? A vibrant food scene? Creative spaces to host performance arts? Do you want lots of parking? Streetscapes that invite you to walk? Visual appeal that inspires artistic recreation? Gardens with trees and benches? Active transportation routes and bike racks? Charging stations for e-vehicles? What about shade structures that hold solar panels?

On May 28, the Regional Planning and Works Committee voted to proceed with placing a Level 2 Pedestrian Crossover on Huron St. at the location I proposed as an alternate to the original site (which would have removed 9 spaces).  As conceived now, the crossover will require the removal of 6 parking spaces. There may be some minor changes before the work is actually completed, but this will change the way our New Hamburg downtown looks a little.

With parking no longer allowed on the north side of the road in that area, it will open up the roadway.  The empty pavement will serve no useful purpose.


During the discussion with Regional staff, the idea of curb-bumpouts was suggested.  There was also talk of a raised crossing which would create a gentle bump encouraging motorists to slow down as well as raising the pedestrians to increase their visibility.

This is the perfect opportunity to begin a conversation about how we want our town to look and feel. The New Hamburg Board of Trade has already been working on some great ideas for a while.

We need to create a vision that supports local businesses so they stay financially viable and able to serve the community.

Let’s get engaged as a community and imagine what could be.

Join me on Thursday, July 25th, 7-9:00pm at the New Hamburg Community Centre (251 Jacob St) to share your ideas and hear what your neighbours think.

Be part of building a vision!



7 thoughts on “Let’s Get Creative, Wilmot!”

  1. Great news. This is the type of communication and leadership which i believe is so necessary for councillors to be effective and responsive to the people they represent. I plan to attend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Drive-in
    I’d love a drive in. I occasionally will make the long jaunt to Guelph so I can watch a movie outside. But then I drive home and it’s insanely late.
    Years ago, a Facebook group mentioned that it was being considered to launch a drive in locally. New Hamburg or Baden way. I would LOVE that.


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